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Hot News about CPS IASS Spain

A shocking discovery in the province Aragon, Spain at a location of the IASS, so called childprotection services in Aragon.
This is the same organisation as the one who kidnapped L.A.W. from a dutch family in Spain. The thruth will be seen!

Five workers of a Juvenile Centre in Ateca arrested for injuring, assaulting and torturing several inmates

written by Ismael Poveda (Redactor, Zaragoza)

Read the official article in Spanish here

TThe Guardia Civil has arrested five workers of the Juvenile Care Centre in the town of Ateca (Zaragoza), who have already been sentenced to prison without bail, for allegedly committing crimes of injury, torture, crimes against moral integrity, sexual aggression, corruption of minors and membership of a criminal group, against several of the inmates.

The investigation began as a result of several complaints filed by the mother of one of the minors at the National Police in Zaragoza, in which she reported several injuries that her son had suffered during his stay at the centre. In view of this situation, the investigators began to gather information until they discovered that the employees subjected the minor to episodes of isolation, in which they subjected him to various degrading and humiliating treatments. In addition, certain educators had allegedly beaten the minor in a room, which they had previously covered the window of the door and locked it, before carrying out such aggressions.

It was also found that the minor was restrained (physical restraints) which were not recorded, as required by the regulations governing these centres for minors, with the consent of the main person in charge of the facility, who, moreover, even asked a health worker to draw up a false report showing that the minor had no injuries of any kind.

During the investigation, the agents managed to determine the existence of more victims in this centre, through the presence of evidence of criminal acts related to sexual aggression and corruption of minors, carried out by several educators during the last few months.

For the time being, the judge of the mixed court number 2 of Calatayud, who is in charge of the operation, has decreed the provisional closure of the facilities for young people between 6 and 17 years of age who present recurrent disruptive or dissocial behaviour, which will force them to be relocated to other services provided by the Aragonese Institute of Social Services (IASS).

The Government of Aragon studies their relocation

Sources from the Government of Aragon point out that the IASS, specifically the Sub-Directorate of Child Protection and Guardianship and the Provincial Directorate of the IASS in Zaragoza, is already working to plan the relocation of the minors to other centres in the region. In addition, they point out that they will present themselves as injured parties in the case.

‘All the actions carried out in the last hours and those that are already being carried out are aimed at guaranteeing the welfare and safety of the minors who are under the guardianship and custody of the Administration’, explained the Executive, who reminded that this centre is privately run with a capacity for around 30 minors and that it has around twenty places under a framework agreement whose care and protection corresponds to Aragon.

The Chunta Aragonesista (CHA), for its part, has expressed its ‘deep concern and condemnation’ of these ‘absolutely unacceptable’ events and has demanded the appearance of the manager of the IASS, as well as those responsible for the Government of Aragon, ‘so that they can explain how these terrible events could have occurred in a facility under their supervision’.

The CHA spokesperson in the Social Welfare and Family Commission of the Cortes de Aragón, Isabel Lasobras, has also called for ‘immediate measures’ to be taken to guarantee the protection and welfare of all minors in this and other similar centres, and for an ‘exhaustive review’ of the protocols of action and supervision to contribute to trying to prevent ‘such regrettable situations’ from happening again.

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