On this page, we collected good material to get familiar with the Human and Children's Rights declrations. Read and Study your Human Rights today. Get familiar with them and live by theme too as a respectfull and loving human BEing.
We are proud and free human beings and we have first of all the right on a private familylife. Start living by the human & childrens rights today and your life will change for the better. Be respectfull to yourself and all the people around you including the hyenas your are facing. Act from your heart and your love for yourself and your offspring. That will change the world tremendously.
In love & light,
Team porAymara Foundation
We may and cannot allow that so called Child Protection Services who are 'protecting' children are violating the universal Human Rights and most of all the Children's Rights by not doing their homework, basing everything op pre sumtions, creating lies and fake stories around a familiy and on top of that continue to violate the EU Law's & International Law's Be aware that the "Laws" in a country are merely an advice, the EU LAW's are the only ones who are leading. So Know your Rights and start today to learn the Children's and Human Rights!
Most documents are written in english, some in other languages. We do our best to translate them for you. If it is not in a language you can understand we advice you to use a translationprogramme like
DeepL Translator or try ChatGp for it. Language is one of the main problems when you are dealing with CPS when it is not your homeland.
You know you have the right to have a translator? Demand one and do not try to speak their language. The documents they are presenting you need to be written in a language you understand. There should be a mutual and equal basis for communication.
We will add more documents so visit this page often to keep yourself updated with important information.
Stay informed and empowered with our curated selection of intriguing articles in various languages available online. Expand your knowledge on children's rights and legal protections across borders. Visit porAymara Foundation to access these valuable resources.
This website is made with love & dedication by LeonoraDesign to support the porAymara Foundation
All Rights Reserved porAymara Foundation