Welcome Donations

Support has many options and faces, every form brings in good energy which we can use during our daily work which will benefit you, your family but most of all (y)Our beautifull created offspring.

Here we will show you a various options you can show your support to the porAymara Foundation and even for specifics topics. It is totally up to you where you want to give your energy too. Money is a very strong form of sharing energy with eachother and what is more than welcome on a regularly basis. For those who want to support but donating money is a challenge we have other options for you.


Donate Love & Money

As a young foundation the flow of MONEY is very important to cover the base for our daily work and to expand our workfield which benifits You too. But why Love & Money?

What is Money or Geld (in dutch)?

Our explantations of MONEY/GELD

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In dutch money is named GELD.

I AM using this for many years to explain with is:
Geef Enkel Liefde Door

So it is not only some paper and coins or numbers you donate with a banktransfer. You are donating the loving energies  with it as well and that is gold in our vision.

Ready to share your love and exchange your energy in the form of a financial donation? Make your loving donation today with a banktransfer too:

Please know that everything will be highly appriciated.


What we do with your loving Donations

  • Basic Expenses

    Een vogel met groene vleugels en het woord por eronder

    To keep a good foundation of the foundation we have our expenses for:

    * Maintaining the Website

    * Hosting & Email

    * Administration

    * Office Supplies

    * Bookkeeping

    * Etc.

    Please add: Foundation ADMIN with your banktransfer

    We would love it when you can support us on a monthly basis for a minimum of 10,00 euro a month

    Email us
  • Field Work

    We, but especially Joanna is always working with and for families to keep the children safe or to get them back. Besides that she is doing a lot of study and networking.

    Her recurring expenses are:

    * Legal Fees

    * Travelcosts

    * Accomodation

    To cover her expenses so she can do the work she does for many years now, in most cases for free, we would love when you can make a donation on a monthly bases of 50 euro a month. 

    Not able to sent 50 euro? Choose your own amount and just add on your transfer :

    For JOANNA

    Every donation is welcome.

  • Family Support

    In some matters when the foundation is helping a family they are not able to pay a fee for our work. In those situations the Foundation is covering that.

    Other financial support for families can also include:

    * Living costs

    * Legel Fees

    * Translators

    * Official translations of documents

    * Coaching by Linda

    * Stressreduction therapies

    * Travelcosts

    * Accomodation

    * Etc. etc.

    Think of everything posible what a family can help getting through the most terrifying moments of their lives.

    We would be very happy if you could donate any amount you want and are able to share . 

    Add: FAMILY SUPPORT on your banktransfer


How to Transfer your Donations?

At the moment we are in the progress to create easier ways to make a donation but for this moment it is only posible to make a banktransfer to one of our accounts. Every ammount you want to share with us is highly appriciated.

Step 1 Choose what you want to Support

1) porAymara Basics

2) Fieldwork Joanna

3) Support Families

4) Support Children

5) Support website

Step 2 Deside what ammount you want to share with us

Whatever ammount you want to donate please be aware that we love to receive a minimum of 3 euro's. When you donate less it will cost us money for bankfee's etc. instead of you supporting us.

1) A one time donation whatever you want to share with a minimum of 3 euro's/dollars

2) A recurring donation with a minimum of 3 euro's/dollars

Step 3 Make your Banktransfer for porAymara Foundation to

For EU and The Netherlands

Accountnumber: RABONL79 0125.484.526

Name: P.E.E. Roosloot

Country: Netherlands

Description: porAymara 1/2/3/4/5 donation

For UK & Spain

If you cannot or do not want to make a transfer to a dutch bank please sent us an email and we can provide you with information for a Spanish or English account. For this is not standard an not easy for our administration it is not a basic option for now.

If you have any problems, issues or questions about transfering a donation please contact our financial department and we will help you.

TIP: In a lot of countries you are able to have taxbenefits when you make a donation.

Een bedankkaart met paarse bloemen en een pen

Have a Special offer?
Please contact our

Financial Department directly.

thAnkh You

We want to know your Special Offer or Ideo so that we can connect with eachother. Let us know what you offer is and we will contect with you. thAnkh You

Inform us about your Special Offer

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